The red_notifications:notify
is a client-side event used to trigger a notification in FiveM using the Modern Notification System.
How to use
Argument | Type | Description |
title | string | The title of the notification. |
content | string | The main content or message of the notification. |
color | string | The color of the notification, see the colors preview above. (e.g., info , success , warning , error , indigo , sky , pink ). |
position | string | The position of the notification on the screen (e.g., top-left , top-center , top-right , middle-left , middle-center , middle-right , bottom-left , bottom-center , bottom-right ). |
icon | string | The Fontawesome 6 icon code to display with the notification. |
duration | number | The duration of the notification in milliseconds (e.g., 14000 for 14 seconds). |
theme | string | (Optional) The theme of the notification, can be light or dark to force using a specific theme for this notification. |
Find icons
To search for icons, simply visit the icons page on Fontawesome's website (opens in a new tab). Look for the desired icon, and then copy its icon code.
Please note that you can only use free icons, not the "PRO" ones.
Suppose you want to use the envelope icon. First, navigate to the Fontawesome website (opens in a new tab) and search for the icon (e.g., envelope). Once you find the icon, click on it to reveal its code, which should look like this:
Then, extract the icon code from this HTML snippet and use it as an argument for the event.
HTML code:
<i class="fa-solid fa-envelope"></i>
Extracted code:
fa-solid fa-envelope
Then, use the following code to trigger a notification:
"New Message",
"You have received a new message from a player.",
"fa-solid fa-envelope",
This will display a notification with the title "New Message", the content "You have received a new message from a player," with an "info" color and an envelope icon, positioned at the top-right corner of the screen, and the notification will last for 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds) using the "light" theme.
Here is preview for the different colors you can use and difference between light and dark theme.